About Ristal University

Ristal University

Ristal University is an online academic institution in South Sudan established to provide quality and affordable higher education.

Ristal University is in the process of getting registered with the national ministry of higher education, science, and Technology. Currently, the ministry intends to form a committee that will set the guidelines for registering Online Universities in the country. In the meantime, Ristal University offers its academic programs in collaboration with other accredited Universities.


The mission of Ristal University is to provide accessible, affordable, and quality higher education to students across South Sudan and beyond through innovative and technology-driven approaches.


Our vision is to be a leading online university in South Sudan and the region, known for producing highly skilled graduates who are well-equipped to face the challenges of the 21st Century.


At Ristal University, we hold the following core values:

Transformation: We believe in the power of education to transform individuals, communities, and societies.

Technology: We embrace technology to enhance learning, teaching and research.

Resilience: We value resilience in the face of challenges and strive to empower our students to be resilient personally and professionally.

Innovation: We encourage and support creativity and innovation in all aspects of our work.

Treading new paths: We are commited to exploring new approaches to advancing our mission and vision.

Excellence: We strive for excellence in all our endeavors and hold ourselves to high academic rigor and ethical conduct standards.

Ristal University Objectives

  • To provide accessible and affordable higher education to students in South Sudan and other parts of Africa, regardless of geographic or socioeconomic barriers.
  • To equip students with knowledge, skills. and competences needed to succeed in the digital age, including critical thinking, problem-solving and information literacy.
  • To provide interdisciplinary learning and collaboration, enabling students to apply knowledge from various fields to real-world challenges and opportunities.
  • To foster a sense of community and belonging among students, alumni, faculty, staff, despite the distance and online nature of the learning environment.
  • To cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset among students, encouraging them to identify and pursue innovative solutions to social, economic and environmental challenges facing the their communities and the world.
  • To foster a culture of life-long learning, providing students with opportunities to continue their education and professional development beyond graduation and supporting alumni in their ongoing persuits and carriers.